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RTCA Symposium Examines Key Issues

June 20, 2018
Home / News / RTCA Symposium Examines Key Issues

More than 250 experts and leaders from around the world gathered at the RTCA 2018 Global Aviation Symposium to explore and discuss current and emerging issues across the spectrum of aviation. The Symposium offered nine information-packed sessions, covering driving issues of comprehensive FAA legislation, NextGen, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Global Leadership, Harmonization and Standards Development.


Discussions during the event focused on key themes encouraging innovation and embracing disruption, all while maintaining aviation’s enviable safety record. Speakers emphasized the need for collaboration, given the multitude of challenges, and synchronizing investment across many stakeholders. Panelists discussed the current political environment and noted that while ATC reform (removing the Air Traffic Organization from government) is not currently an active part of the legislative debate, the 2018 midterm elections will have a key impact on whether this remains the case.


The Symposium was the first since RTCA’s transformation into a Standards Development Organization, and several sessions centered on standards.  Given the rapid evolution in aviation, a desire to maintain safety, and the increasing globalization of manufacturing and regulatory oversight, panelists emphasized the need and challenge in developing timely standards.


RTCA’s Recognition of Excellence Awards Luncheon recognized more than 70 committee leaders and contributors for the dedication and hard work they bring to the creation of the policy recommendations and performance standards.  The luncheon included a conversation with FAA’s Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, Ali Bahrami, who emphasized the importance of RTCA volunteers, and the value of consensus that they share.


The 2018 Symposium concluded with comments from RTCA President Margaret Jenny, who will be retiring in August 2018 after 10 years of leading RTCA.  Ms. Jenny closed the Symposium by thanking all of the industry’s tireless volunteers, thanking the speakers and panelists and wishing the industry well in its ongoing work in the future.


For more information about the Symposium, download the RTCA Symposium App or visit the Symposium webpage.


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