RTCA is a private, not-for-profit association founded in 1935 as the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, now referred to simply as “RTCA”. We are the premier Public-Private Partnership venue for developing consensus among diverse, competing interests on critical aviation modernization issues in an increasingly global enterprise.
Inspire the creation and implementation of integrated performance standards that meet the changing global aviation environment and ensure the safety, security, and overall health of the aviation ecosystem.
Who is RTCA?
RTCA has provided the foundation for virtually every modern technical advance in aviation. Our products serve as the basis for government certification of equipment used by the tens of thousands of aircraft flying daily through the world’s airspace. A Standards Development Organization (SDO), RTCA works with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop comprehensive, industry-vetted and endorsed standards that can be used as means of compliance with FAA regulations. Our deliberations are open to the public and our products are developed by aviation community volunteers functioning in a consensus-based, collaborative, peer-reviewed environment. See our Path to Certification Page for more information on our most popular documents.
First William E. Jackson Award
is presented to Peter W. Hwoschinsky (right) by acting FAA Administrator James E. Dow, while Mrs. Jackson looks on. Hwoschinskys award-winning thesis on the Omega navigation system for general aviation was done while he was a student at MIT.
MoreRTCA presented Collier Trophy
President Harry S. Truman (center, left) awards 1948 Collier Trophy to RTCA for SC-31 development of a national common system of air traffic control. Receiving award for RTCA is chairman, J.H. Dellinger (center, right)