Nov 4 – SC-214 w/ WG-78, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, will meet in virtual plenary to review comments received for DO-353B/ED-231B Change 1 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications, ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation (ATN Baseline 1 – Baseline 2 Interop Standard) and approve the document for submission to the RTCA Program Management Committee (PMC)/EUROCAE Council for approval and publication.
Nov 7 – SC-243 w/WG-128, Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH) Development Assurance, will meet in a joint plenary to perform a final approval of their internal report and approve a Terms of Reference (ToR) change for the December PMC which will initiate working on Rev A of DO-254. The joint group also intends to produce a document addressing Frequently Asked Questions.
Nov 8 – SC-228, Minimum Performance Standards for Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, will meet at General Atomics in Poway, California to adjust schedules to the committee’s ToR and hear updates on the work of each working group.
Nov 12 – SC-186 w/WG-51, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), will meet in virtual plenary to discuss and enter Final Review and Comment/Open Consultation (FRAC/OC) for Change 2 to RTCA DO-260C/EUROCAE ED-102B. The Special Committee/Working Group (SC/WG) will also continue discussions around GNSS RFI detection & status downlink.
Nov 14 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, will meet virtually in plenary to continue work on DO-230N – Standards for Airport Security Access Control Systems. They are reviewing all sections for updates and are considering adding a new section on Artificial Intelligence. Publication is expected in late-2025.
Nov 15 – SC-242 w/WG-124, Spectrum Compatibility, will meet in plenary at EUROCONTROL in Brussels, Belgium. They hope to approve their second RTCA Report for publication and make progress on the guidance document they are writing for addressing Spectrum Compatibility in aviation standards.
Nov 19-20 – SC-238 w/WG-115, Counter UAS Systems, will meet in plenary at EUROCONTROL in Brussels, Belgium, to hear reports from work groups and discuss updates moving forward for RTCA DO-389A/EUROCAE ED-286A.
Nov 20-22 – SC-227 w/WG-85, Standards of Navigation Performance, will meet in a virtual plenary to discuss new work for WG-1 and WG-2 to further advance standards for Required navigational performance. They hope to publish the MOPS for RNP and the MASPS for RNP at the December 12th meeting of the PMC. They will also continue to make progress on a new document which will include requirements for the display of digital charts.
See here for agendas for each of these meetings.