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Operational Committee Makes Final Recommendation

March 27, 2018
Home / News / Operational Committee Makes Final Recommendation

The Tactical Operations Committee (TOC) held its final meeting in early March, approving recommendations on better understanding and mitigating the operational impact of intentional GPS interference. Intentional interference testing and training, conducted primarily by the Department of Defense by Presidential Directive, degrades GPS signals and can impact aircraft operations in the National Airspace System.  The recommendations highlight the importance of collecting data on the operational impact and improving information and training provided to pilots and controllers to manage operations during such interference tests.

The meeting was the last for the TOC, as the FAA, citing budget constraints, decided to sunset the Committee initially created in 2013 as an important forum to address operational related issues.  Members of the Committee expressed disappointment and concern about this decision and its effect on future work, as well as disposition of previous recommendations.  The FAA advised the TOC that it will continue to evaluate and follow up on open recommendations from the TOC.  There are five open recommendations, and the FAA is expected to inform the TOC about its plans to continue reporting out to the industry on these recommendations.

The TOC has been led by Co-Chairs Bart Roberts, JetBlue Airways, and Jeff Woods, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, and Jodi McCarthy, Vice President Mission Support, acting as the Designated Federal Officer. The TOC has made more than 20 recommendations to the FAA since its inception.

To see the TOC recommendations, please visit the TOC webpage.


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