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NextGen Committee Addresses the Northeast Corridor

March 17, 2018
Home / News / NextGen Committee Addresses the Northeast Corridor
A meeting at Harris Corporation in Melbourne, FL brought together industry and government executives working to modernize the air transportation in the Northeast Corridor (NEC). The NEC encompasses airports and airspace stretching from Washington, DC to Boston, and is critical because delays in the NEC account for nearly half of all delays in the entire National Airspace System.

The NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC) heard a status report to help improve operations and launch initiatives as early as this summer. The NAC members were challenged to advance the priorities for the NEC designed for implementation in 2019-2021.


In addition to discussing the Northeast Corridor, the NAC members received updates from the NextGen Integration Working Group’s four Priority Teams working on implementations of DataComm, Multiple Runway Operations, Performance Based Navigation and Surface and Data Management, as well as presentations from American Airlines and their ADS-B In equipage status, AOPA and their challenges with the approaching 2020 mandate deadline, and a response from the FAA on a NAC recommendation of Enhanced Surveillance for the Oceanic Airspace.

Led by President & COO of FedEx Corporation, Dave Bronczek (Chair) and Acting Administrator Dan Elwell (Designated Federal Officer), the NAC is a 38-member committee working to develop recommendations for NextGen priorities. Visit the NAC page to view the presentations and other information from the meeting.


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