September Plenaries

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Photo of Jeff O’Hara

Jeff O’Hara

Mr. Jeff O’Hara, a Principal Research Scientist with GTRI, has over three decades of experience as a human factors engineer in the aerospace and defense field in both government and industry roles. His experience includes senior or team lead Human Factors flight deck engineering assignments on multiple fixed and rotary wing aircraft, several X aircraft, and spacecraft. His experience includes extensive ground and flight test work leading to airworthiness determinations in the areas of crew station, caution and warning systems and flight symbology systems. He has served as the systems engineer and requirements lead for a $550M avionics modernization effort, and he currently supports multiple customers as a tech expert in crew systems / pilot vehicle interface design and test. He is a former instructor in human factors/systems integration at the United States Naval Test Pilot School and holds degrees from Florida Tech and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.

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